Last modified: 2017-07-20
Project-based learning is a learning method that develops attitude, knowledge, and skills in which students explore real-world problems and challenges while working in small collaborative groups. This study aimed at investigating the application of project-based learning in writing descriptive text, students’ descriptive text through project-based learning, and the students’ responses to the project based learning on descriptive writing.
The subjects were an English teacher and the seventh graders. The data collected through observation, documentation of students’ project, and interview. It was analyzed through data condensation, data display, and drawing conclusion.
The findings and discussions were project based learning supported the instructional process in writing descriptive text. It was effective in improving students’ writing abilities. Then, it empowered students’ creativity in developing the final product of booklet. The students gave positive responses after several modifications and showed active participation.
In conclusion, the steps of project-based learning are considered effective and there were some significant improvements in five aspects of writing. It also made the bond between teacher and students closer as teacher monitored and supervised the students throughout the project work.