Last modified: 2017-08-19
This study aims to describe the understanding fraction concepts of junior high school students based on cognitive style of Field Independent and Field Dependent. This research is descriptive research with qualitative approach. Subjects in this study consisted of 2 students of class VII SMP Negeri 6 Biau, Central Sulawesi.
Data retrieval begins by providing a Cognitive Style Test (GEFT) and Mathematics Capability Test (TKM), subsequently selected each of the students from the cognitive style group of Field Independent and Field Dependent with regard to the criteria of equal mathematical ability and the same gender. After that, students are given TPKP and interview. To check data, used triangulation time. (In order to check data, the researcher uses time triangulation).
The results showed that understanding the concept of fractional cognitive style of Field Independent (in) declaring the meaning of fractions and components of fractions, the sudents use their own language/way based on the analysis and not only fixated on the notation of fractions. The students are able to express the meaning of the relation between the numerator and denominator, the relation between the object contained in the model representing the fraction with the fraction symbol and the meaning of the relation part and whole. They use the idea of dividing equally on fractions by dividing equally a model that represents a fraction before providing a fractional symbol. They also use the equivalent fractional concept to determine the other name of a fraction to easily classify or define fractional representations into one group of equal value. Students can give examples and non-examples of fractions. They can also apply the same divide idea in determining the exact shading of a fractional model in the form of a region to represent a given fractional symbol. Furthermore, students use the concept of relative fractional sizes in comparing fractions, so as to determine the larger fractions among the three fractions of the same quantity on daily life. Understanding of cognitive-style students of Field Dependent in expressing the meaning of fractions and components of fractions, they used their own language, but only fixed on the visualization of concrete objects, including in terms of expressing the meaning of the relationship between the numerator and denominator. Concept of equivalent fractions to determine the other name of a fraction, so as to determine a simple fractional equivalent representation is also used by the students, but they found difficulty in applying to an unusual fractional representation model to be grouped into groups of equal value. They can give examples and non-examples of fractions, and also apply the idea of dividing equally on the fraction, by dividing the given rectangular area into equal parts as the shaded part, but not applying the same divide idea to the fraction in determining the exact shading of a regional model representing a fraction, influenced by sub-sections of the mode. They are only fixated on the visualization of concrete objects, thus mistaken in determining the relative size of the larger fractions among the three fractions of the same quantity relating to daily life.