Last modified: 2017-10-16
The purpose of this study was to describe the critical thinking skills of male students of eight grade junior high school with high math ability in math problem solve. To accomplish this use of qualitative research. Subjects were a male students of eight grade junior high school. Critical thinking skills students gained from in-depth interviews using a problem-based interview guides. Interviews were conducted in this study are based interview question, which is done by the subject given the task of writing and given time to finish it. The results showed that the critical thinking skills of male students of eight grade junior high school are as follows: In solving the problem at this stage is used to understand the problem of interpretation skills with sub-sub-indicators: categorization, decode, and clarify the meaning. In the planning stages of problem-solving strategies to use skills of analysis with sub-indicators: the examination of ideas, arguments identification and analysis of the arguments and skills evaluations with the sub-indicators: assessing the argument. During the implementation phase problem solving used skills evaluation: assessing arguments, skills of analysis: analysis of the arguments, the skills of inference with sub-sub-indicators: conclusion, alternative thinking, and problem solving skills and an explanation to the sub-sub-indicators: the presentation of the problem, justification procedures, and articulation of the argument. At this stage of rechecking all the measures that have been undertaken to use the skills of self-regulation by the sub-sub-indicators: self-correcting and self-study.