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The enactment of Mathematics Content Knowledge and Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge in teaching practice of ratio and proportion: a case of two primary teachers
Last modified: 2017-07-20
This study draws upon a research in investigating the enactment of primary teachers’ Mathematics Content Knowledge (MCK) and Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge (MPCK) in practice. The teaching on ratio and proportion of two teachers with different level MCK and MPCK were observed within video observation framework which involves qualitative research through case study. The result indicated that all factors were presented by Good MCK and MPCK teacher (GG) teacher appropriately but not for Low MCK and MPCK teacher (LL) teacher.  LL ignored Figural representation factor and showed some errors in her teaching. MCK and MPCK are very essential for mathematics teaching. The evidence leads to the opportunity to learn for in-service primary teachers
Mathematics Content Knowledge, Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Teaching practice.