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A Preliminary Study: The Profile of First-Year Student Life Adjustment in the Department of Physics Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Last modified: 2017-07-20
The life adjustment in the campus environment is significant for every student. This factor is one of the determinants of student achievement in the college learning activities. Adjustability can be a good indicator of academic, social environment, and ability to achieve a goal. This study aims to examine the profile of first-year student's life adjustment in the Department of Physics Universitas Negeri Surabaya, especially students from outside Surabaya. The sampling used simple random sampling method. The data was taken by using questionnaires, observations, and interviews. Based on the results of the research, it can be seen that the majority of first-year Physics students have good adaptation skills especially in social, commitment, and academic aspects. However, students are less able to manage finances well. The ANOVA test shows the student's adjustment level (less, enough, good, and excellent) each aspect has no significant influence statistically in the understanding of Physics for first-year students. One of the interesting findings in this study is the academic aspects of life adjustment, including regular lectures, the convenience of studying on campus, and frequent visits to the library do not significantly affect the understanding of Physics concept.
Life Adjustment Profile; First-Year Student; Physics Concept