Last modified: 2017-07-20
The research aimed is to describe and analyze: (1) increase the ability of students fractional arithmetic operation, (2) problem posing ability students, (3) students responses, and (4) implementing of teacher in the learning activity, when the learning problem posing by using buttons media on material fractional arithmetic operations in grade  elementary school.
The research was using Quasi Eksperimental design pattern with The Nonequivalent Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Data collection techniques were using test and non test techniques. Test techniques were used to measure the arithmetic operation ability and students problem posing ability with instruments such as pretest and posttest. Non test techniques are to determine the response of students with the quetionaire instrument as well as to determine the activity of teacher in implementing the learning with instruments such as the observation sheet. Data obtained through the technique of statistical test were analyzed by Independent Sample T-test trials using aid SPSS 24.0 for Windows.
The research result show that: (1) n-gain score fractional arithmetic operation ability of students of two classes gain significancy value 0,000 < 0,05, than the hypothesis of fractional arithmetic operation capability experimental class students who apply problem posing learning by using buttons media better than the fractional arithmetic operation capability control class that implements conventional learning be accepted, (2) the average score of students posttest problem posing ability experimental class students at 14,87 with medium qualifying better than the average score of posttest problem posing ability control class at 10,10 with low qualifications, (3) the percentage of students response to the learning reached 88.27% categorized as very positive, (4) the percentage of teacher implementing in the learning activity reached 97.1% with very good categories.Based on data analysis can be concluded that the Problem Posing Learning by Using Buttons Media can improve students fractional arithmetic operations and effectively applied to the material fractional arithmetic operations in the 4th grade of elementary school.