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The visual reasoning abilities of secondary students in geometry in terms of the 4MAT learning style
Last modified: 2017-08-06
This study aims to describe the visual reasoning abilities of secondary students in geometry in terms of 4MAT learning style. To achieve that goal the researcher focuses on the ability to transform 2D form to 3D form.
This research is a descriptive research and qualitative approach. Research subjects consist of 4 students with different learning styles that are imaginative, analytic, common sense and dynamic. Data collection techniques are task-based interviews to get data about students' visual reasoning abilities
The results showed that (1) imaginative student was to investigate the 3D form nets, then interpreted the 3D form nets to apply them in determining the lateral of the same size. (2) the analytic student was to investigate the 3D form nets and then interpret the 3D form nets to apply them in determining the lateral of the same size. (3) common sense student was to investigate the 3D form nets, then interpret the 3D form nets to apply them in determining lateral that have the same size in 3D form nets (4) dynamic student was to investigate the 3D form nets, Then the subject directly apply it in determining the lateral that have the same size