Last modified: 2017-10-17
John Charson Adinardo Sinaga1, Dwi Juniati1, and Pradnyo Wijayanti1
1Universitas Negeri Surabaya
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ABSTRACT. Cultural-based Mathematics learning strategies is one way improve self-confidence, curiosity, pride of learning, and cultural pride. This cooperative learning of think pair share based on Batak culture is one option that can accommodate the needs of students as mentioned above.
This research is a development research. The purposes of this study are to describe the process of developing learning tools and to produce a cooperative learning tools  think pair share based on Batak culture. The development process was refered to the modified 4-D development stage (four-D models): (1) define, (2) design, (3) develop, and (4) disseminate. Cooperative learning  of think pair share based on Batak culture using Dalihan Na Tolu group interaction pattern.This development resulted in a valid categorized learning tools based on expert validation. The asessment test met the criteria valid, reliable, and sensitive. From the trial class, if was obtained that (1) the class management ability of the teacher was good, (2) student activities was categorized as active, (3) the response from the students was positive, and (4) the classical mastery learning was 90% . From the implementation learning using cooperative think pair share based on Batak culture on rectangel and square met the standard of the effectiveness.