Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2017

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Proportional Reasoning of Secondary School’s Pupils in Solving Mathematical Problems Based on Gender Differences
rizky nurrakhmi, I Ketut Budayasa, Masriyah -

Last modified: 2017-08-23


This study aimed to describe proportional reasoning of secondary school’s pupils in solving mathematical problems. The subjects of this study consisted of one feminine female and one masculine male of 7th-grade pupils with equivalent mathematical ability. This study was conducted using written tests and interview to investigate pupil’s proportional reasoning. The result of this study showed that pupils used the multiplicative relationship as their strategy in solving the problem. But feminine female pupil didn’t explain the logical reason for using the strategy as she only tried to use a strategy that she had already known. Even, the feminine female pupil didn’t explain that the quantities of different objects in the solution were covaried and the ratio of such quantities remained unchanged. Moreover, she told that she didn’t know anything about the relationship between quantities. On the other hand, masculine male pupil explained that the quantities of different objects in the solution were covaried and the ratio of such quantities remained unchanged, accompanied by a logical reason. Therefore, it suggested teachers teach the concept before teaching procedural knowledge related to proportion so that the pupils will not only be able to use the appropriate problem-solving procedures but also understand the reasons why the procedures are used.


Proportional reasoning, gender, feminine female, masculin male