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Design Research an Interactive Book of 'Kebo Kicak' Legends for Learning Polygons
Last modified: 2017-08-19
The lack of educators who develop their own teaching materials in an innovative, contextual and accordance the level of learners needs make the quality of our education still low and far from expectations. Today, more of young people does’nt know about their folklore, Kebo Kicak Legend. In fact, they tend to know folklore that more popularized in children's story books. Idea of ​​folklore can be used as context in learning to be more interesting and memorable for learners and make learning activities are not boringThe purpose of this study was to produce a quality interactive book for learning polygons that apply to fourth graders elementary school.This design research to developing an interactive book adapted the basic idea of ​​the author. The quality of development of a product is measured by the aspects of validity, practicality, and effectiveness.The results showed that the validity of interactive books includes feasibility of material, presentation, language, and graphics categorizing valid. The practicality seen from the ability of teachers in managing learning and student activity categorized very good. The effectiveness is seen from the teachers responses in good categorized, student responses is very good and student learning outcomes is efective and showing enhancement.
interactive book, tangram, polygon, PMRI, problem solving