Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2017

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Student's Relational Understanding in Quadrilateral Problem Solving besed on Adversity Quotient
Aulia Nur Safitri, Dwi Juniati, Masriyah Masriyah

Last modified: 2017-10-01


This research is a qualitative research to describe how the relational understanding of students is in quadrilateral problem solving seen from adversity quotient aspect. This study was conducted on seventh grade students. Research subjects were taken under the category of adversity quotient which were quitter, camper, and climber. Data were collected from problem solving task and interviews. The results showed that the three subjects could understand the problem, carry the plan, devise a plane, and do looking back. However, the subject of quitter and camper subjects couldn’t give a reason for the steps that have been done.


relational understanding, problem solving, adversity quotient