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The Use of CLIS Model In Science Learning to Change Profile of thinking Skills and Understanding Concept of Elementary Students
Last modified: 2017-08-19
The purpose of This study is to describe the changing of thinking skills profile and understanding of student concept after using Child Learning In Science (CLIS) model on science learning. The Subject are 20 students of SDN Pangeranan 5 Bangkalan with one pretest-posttest group. Instruments used are SOLO taxonomy. The analysis data was used a qualitative descriptive with result of  implementation  CLIS model very well, the student activity be increased, a shift of student profile with student average at the precentage of relational level is to 48%. Student responses also increase with a percentage between 80-100%. The conclution that there is a shift in the skill-thinking profile and understanding of the concept using the CLIS model.
profile shift, the thinking skill, understanding concept, CLIS model