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The Use of Open-Ended Questions with Gift Feedback (OGF) for Effective Mathematics Learning
Last modified: 2017-08-07
Feedback is giving information to students related their task past through the value of learning outcome, reaction, and commentary. Considering the level of difficulty of the task, task difficulty level consists of low, middle and high. The difficulty level of open-ended questions is middle to high. Open-ended question is good for exercise of student knowledge. This research is descriptive research which the aims are to describe learning management by teacher, student’s activity, student’s learning outcome, and student’s response in mathematics learning using OGF. The subjects in this research are mathematics teacher of eighth grade and students of eighth grade. Research design used the one shot case study. The result showed that: management learning has been implemented very well by the teacher; every student’s activity has been carried out by students; learning outcome had reached completeness, and student’s response can be said to be positive. Therefore, it can be concluded that mathematics learning using OGF is effective.
Effectiveness, Feedback, Open-Ended