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Improving Students’ Problem Solving Skills Using Problem-Based Learning: Social Arithmetics Topic
Last modified: 2017-08-19
The purpose of learning mathematics is not only to get good result during the exam but also able to apply the problem-solving skills in real life. One of the appropriate learning models is problem-based learning. This study aims to describe problem-based learning aids development process. The learning aids were developed are lesson plan, student worksheets, and problem solving tests. They should be valid, practical and effective. The improvement of students’ problem solving were analyzed by compared students problem solving test score with students initial problem solving score. The subjects of this study were 52 seventh grade students in Indonesia. In this study, the learning aids developed using 4-D Model consisting of define, design, develop, and disseminate stage. The purpose of define stage were to stipulate and defined instructional requirements. After that, we designed prototype of learning aids in design stage. On develop stage we modified the prototype of learning aids by expert appraisal and developmental testing and finally we implemented the lesson aids to know the improvement students’ problem solving skills in disseminate stage. From the testing results, it is known that problem-based learning can improve students’ problem solving skills. Based on the results of this study, teachers are expected to develop problem-based learning aids for other topics.
Problem-based learning, problem solving, learning aids