Last modified: 2017-07-20
Yusrawati Syahkubat1, Siti M. Amin1, Raden Sulaiman1
1Universitas Negeri Surabaya
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This study was aimed to describe the development process and the result of developing learning device on arithmetic social material in eighth grade and determine the effectiveness of learning Problem Solving Search, Solve, Create, and Share on arithmetic social material in eighth grade.
The development process refers to the 4-D model. Learning tools developed are Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), Student Worksheet (LKS), and Test Results Learning (THB). This development produces valid learning tools based on expert validation. THB meets valid criteria, reliable, and sensitive. At the trial stage data obtained from the activity; (1) the ability of teachers to manage positive learning, (2) student activity during active learning, (3) student's response to instructional device and positive learning activity, (4) mastery learning classically achieved that is ≥ 80% student get value ≥ 70.
Based on the analysis of the data, it can be concluded that: (1) Using Four-D model to develop learning device of learning Problem Solving Search, Solve, Create, and Share materialmeet the criteria of a good quality. (2) Based on the result of the descriptive analysis, learning device of learning Problem Solving Search, Solve, Create, and Share is effective to teach the arithmetic social.