Last modified: 2017-07-20
Suci, Elthia Ulfa Marenda Adzani. 2017. The Effect of Ladder Snake Game Aku Anak Berani to rough motor development and Knowledge Concept of Self Protection Child 5-6 Years. Thesis, Basic Education Concentration of Early Childhood Education Graduate University of Surabaya. Mentor: (I) Prof. Dr. Siti Masitoh, M. Pd., dan (II) Dr. Sri Setyowati, M. Pd.
Motor development is an aspect of development that depends on the ability of smooth muscles and rough muscles. This development depends on several factors such as genetic, environmental and stimulation. One type of stimulation that can be given to early childhood is through either indoor or outdoor games. The large-scale snake ladder game has a characteristic of play mode that is mostly the same as a common ladder snake, by using one or two dice containing the number of 1-6 on each side and using the field. While the concept of self-protection against sexual violence must be owned by children to grow healthy. Today's sexual violence is becoming more and more audible.
This study aims to determine the effect of the snake ladder aku anak berani to the development of gross motor and knowledge of the concept of self-protection in children aged 5-6 years. The research was conducted using quantitative approach using quasi experiment, data analysis technique using ananalysis Test of difference of average T - Test. Of the total population of 60 children divided into two groups of classes namely experimental class and control class. Data collection is done through two stages: pretest and posttest. In the control class the child did not get treatment but in the experimental class the child received treatment in the form of a snake ladder I brave boy. The results showed that the gross motor abilities of children after receiving treatment increased.
The results obtained by using the landing method of the ladder snake I brave child can support the development of gross motor and can be used to stimulate the rough motor of the child through the element of leg strength, and on the concept of self-protection from sexual violence can be understood children through games brave behavior, Brave children is an effective game for the development of gross motor and self-protection concept for children aged 5-6 years.