Last modified: 2017-08-22
Ati MZ, AF Suryaning. 2017. The Development of Teaching and Learning set Based on Problem Based Learning Model to Improve Fourth Graders’ Creative Thinking Skills on Science Subjects in Elementary School. Thesis, Elementary School Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program, State University of Surabaya, Supervisor: (1) Prof. Dr. Rusijono, M.Pd. and (2) Dr. Suryanti, M.Pd.
Keywords: Teaching and Learning Set, Problem Based Learning Model, Creative Thinking Skills.
This research was based on the importance of creative thinking skills in the 21st century to make good quality of human resources (HR).The aim was to produce feasible teaching and learning set based on a problem based learning model to improve the fourth graders’ creative thinking skills of elementary school.
This research used four-D development research conducted in three stages including defining, designing and developing. To know the validity of teaching and learning set used instrument validation sheet by two validator. To express the feasibility of teaching and learning set used observation sheet of learning process, student activity, and student response questionnaire. Then, those were tested to fourth graders of SD Muhammadiyah 1 Taman, Sidoarjo through Control Group Pretest-Posttest Design.
Result of the research showed that (1) the level of invalidity of teaching and learning set based on problem based learning model, was 92% of lesson plan validation, 88% Of Student Worksheet, 89% of creativity thinking skills test with very valid category, validity oftest result was 0.44 with valid category, reliability of test result r11 = 0.78 with high reliability category. (2) feasibility level of learning model of problem based learning model from lesson plan was 93,33% with very good category, student activity was 90% with very high category, there were some learning problemS which have found solution. (3) the effectiveness level of teaching and learning set based on problem based learning model seen from the result of creative skill test using t-test showed tobserved= 2,401> ttable = 2,101, meaning that it was significantly different,  and gain score results  was 0,30 with medium category.
Therefore, it was concluded that teaching and learning set based on problem based learning model was feasible to be used in science learning to improve creative thinking skill.