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Studying Student Creativity by Student Book Development and Teacher's Book of Junior High School on Light Material with Guided Inquiry Model. Science Education Studies Graduate Program, State University of Surabaya
Last modified: 2017-10-18
The research aims to develop Books for Students and Teachers Books Sains model guided discovery eligible to practice creativity of students on the material Light for eighth grade students of Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 2 Rejoso. The research was conducted in two stages, namely the development of devices to follow the design of Dick and Carey, continued implementation of the learning in the classroom using one group pretest-posttest design. The results showed that the device (Book of students and teachers books) that was developed was valid, practical, and effective. Valid visible from Master Books assessment of the validator; Student Book; student worksheet; Process and Creative Thinking Skills. Practical visible from the learning stages achievement percentage of 100%, activities that support the model of guided discovery is more dominant in learning and irrelevant activity has decreased each meeting. Effective seen from the thoroughness of individual cognitive achievement class VIII products of 100%; all students has increased creative thinking skills. The results showed that the students' books and books teachers using guided discovery models have decent (valid, practical, and effective) to practice student creativity (creative thinking skills).
Students Book, Teachers Book, the model of guided inquiry, learning outcomes, creativity