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Comparison of the effect of lateral pull downs and shoulder press exercises against upper strength muscles, wrist flexibility and achievements shooting basketball
Last modified: 2017-08-27
The objectives of this study are: To obtain information on the comparison
and influence of Lateral Pull downs and Shoulder Press training on upper extremity
muscle strength, Flexibility of Wrist and Achievement of Shooting Basketball. This
research was conducted on Students who attended the Student Activity Unit of the
State University of Gorontalo as many as 30 people try (Testee).
The type of research used is quantitative with quasi experiment method (Quasi
Experiment). The design of this study using Matching Only Design, and data analysis using one-way A-nova. The data retrieval process is done by Back Dynamometry test for upper extremity muscle strength, Goniometry test for Wrist Flexibility and Shooting Basketball test on Shooting Basketball Achievement, this is done during pretest and posttest. Research Result: 1). Based on the analysis of the effect of Lateral Pull downs exercise through Paired Sample Test, it shows the significance level of each variable <0.05, thus: there is a significant influence or difference between pre test and post test data of each dependent variable Upper Strength Muscle Extreme (. 000 <0.005), Wrist Flexibility (0.005) and Shooting Basketball (0.005). 2). Based on the analysis of the effect of Shoulder Press practice through Paired Sample Test, it shows the significance level of each variable <0.05, thus: there is a significant influence or the difference between pre test and post test data of each dependent variable Upper Strength of Muscle Extremity (. 000 <0.005), Wrist Flexibility (0.005) and Shooting Basketball (0.005). 3). Based on the analysis of the differences from the effects of the
Lateral Pull downs and Shoulder Press exercises through the A-nova test, it shows that the significant value of the Post Test is different between Groups (Between Groups) is Sig. 0.000 which means the value of sig. <0.05. So there are differences in increased Upper Strength Muscle Extremity, Wrist Flexibility and Shooting Basketball.
Conclusion: Based on Post Hoc Multiple Comparations Test using Least Significant
Difference (LSD) analysis, it is aimed to know which independent variables give
significant influence to the increase of dependent variable. From the analysis it is
found that: Lateral Pull downs exercise is more effective for improving Flexibility of
Wrist and Shooting Basketball than Shoulder Press and control exercises. While
Shoulder Press exercises are more effective to increase upper extremity muscle
strength than Lateral Pull downs and control exercises.
and influence of Lateral Pull downs and Shoulder Press training on upper extremity
muscle strength, Flexibility of Wrist and Achievement of Shooting Basketball. This
research was conducted on Students who attended the Student Activity Unit of the
State University of Gorontalo as many as 30 people try (Testee).
The type of research used is quantitative with quasi experiment method (Quasi
Experiment). The design of this study using Matching Only Design, and data analysis using one-way A-nova. The data retrieval process is done by Back Dynamometry test for upper extremity muscle strength, Goniometry test for Wrist Flexibility and Shooting Basketball test on Shooting Basketball Achievement, this is done during pretest and posttest. Research Result: 1). Based on the analysis of the effect of Lateral Pull downs exercise through Paired Sample Test, it shows the significance level of each variable <0.05, thus: there is a significant influence or difference between pre test and post test data of each dependent variable Upper Strength Muscle Extreme (. 000 <0.005), Wrist Flexibility (0.005) and Shooting Basketball (0.005). 2). Based on the analysis of the effect of Shoulder Press practice through Paired Sample Test, it shows the significance level of each variable <0.05, thus: there is a significant influence or the difference between pre test and post test data of each dependent variable Upper Strength of Muscle Extremity (. 000 <0.005), Wrist Flexibility (0.005) and Shooting Basketball (0.005). 3). Based on the analysis of the differences from the effects of the
Lateral Pull downs and Shoulder Press exercises through the A-nova test, it shows that the significant value of the Post Test is different between Groups (Between Groups) is Sig. 0.000 which means the value of sig. <0.05. So there are differences in increased Upper Strength Muscle Extremity, Wrist Flexibility and Shooting Basketball.
Conclusion: Based on Post Hoc Multiple Comparations Test using Least Significant
Difference (LSD) analysis, it is aimed to know which independent variables give
significant influence to the increase of dependent variable. From the analysis it is
found that: Lateral Pull downs exercise is more effective for improving Flexibility of
Wrist and Shooting Basketball than Shoulder Press and control exercises. While
Shoulder Press exercises are more effective to increase upper extremity muscle
strength than Lateral Pull downs and control exercises.
Exercise, lateral pull downs, muscle strength, upper extremity, wrist flexibility, shooting achievement, basketball.
Comments On Paper
Alongamento De CÃlios (Fio A Fio Clássico)
Paolo Violi (2018-05-19)