Last modified: 2017-08-19
This study aims to (1) describe the teaching tools including web-based practice with iSpring and Edmodo for grade eight students on averages of statistical data; and (2) describe the effectiveness of web-based practice in the learning. The result of this descriptive study showed that the web-based practice using ADDIE approach was valid, practical and effective. The result of the descriptive analysis of the effectiveness of the web-based practice was considered as valid and practical. Whereas because of the classical mastery learning in this study was only 57% with passing grade 70 and the school’s criteria is 80%, so it is considered as not effective yet. However, due to the result of the survey questionnaire given to the students, which given us positive response, we should maintain the study, develop it again and again and try with other participants. This will give the students the best experiences to study math.