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Quadcopter Path Following Control Design Using Output Feedback with Command Generator Tracker LOS Based At Square Path
Last modified: 2017-08-30
Quadcopter an unstable system, underactuated and nonlinear. Quadcopter control research developments become an important focus of attention. In this study, following the path control method for position on the X axis and Y, used structure-Generator Tracker Command (CGT). Attitude control and position feedback quadcopter using the optimal output. The addition of the H∞ performance optimal output feedback control is used to maintain the stability and robustness of quadcopter. Iterative numerical techniques Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) is used to find the gain controller. The following path control problems solved using the method of LQ regulators with output feedback. Simulations show that the control system can follow the paths that have been defined in the form of a reference signal square shape. The result of the simulation show that the method which used can bring the yaw angle at the expected value algorithm. Quadcopter can do automatically following path with cross track error mean ±0.07 meters.
Quadcopter, LOS, Command-Generator Tracker, LOS