Last modified: 2017-08-19
The article is for description the research of “learning cycle 5E based on problem posing to improve students learning outcomes for trigonometric materialâ€. The purpose are (1) describe the process and results of development the learning, (2) to describe the effectiveness of the learning, (3) Compare the learning outcomes of students who take Learning Cycle 5E-based problem posing with the learning outcomes of students who take conventional learning on the topic of trigonometry. The learning device development was conducted by using the Morisson model.
Based on the test results, the devices obtained by the learning cycle 5E based on problem posing is a good quality, as validated by the validators and qualified: (1) the ability of teachers in managing good learning, (2) the student activity in effective learning, (3) Positive student responses, (4) learning outcome test, fulfils valid, reliable, and sensitive criteria and (5) learning completeness is achieved in a classical manner. whereas the results of descriptive statistical analysis, it is obtained that the learning cycle 5E based on problem posing is effective material to used in teachng trigonometric
Based on inferential statistic analysis using anacova, it is concluded that the students' learning outcomes following learning cycle 5E based on problem posing are better than the students' learning outcomes following the conventional learning for trigonometric material.