Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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The iconic representation of blind students in relation to geometric object understanding in real world
Andriyani andriyani, I Ketut Budayasa, Dwi Juniati

Last modified: 2018-07-07


The iconic representation deals with mental images of objects to represent the concrete situation in the student's experience. This representation is very important for blind students understanding who have limited visual experience gained. The objective of this research is to identify the iconic representation of blind students in relation to geometric models understanding in their real world. Bruner's learning theory contains iconic representations called the pictorial stage in which students could draw images of objects in their minds. This research was an exploratory study with a qualitative approach. Subjects of this research are one fourth-grade student who experiencing total blind by birth and one sixth-grade student who experiencing total blind since the fifth grade of elementary school. The researcher interviewed subject about the example of geometrical models that they knew in their surrounding environment. Then, they are asked to describe it in their own way. The researcher provides various objects that may be chosen to describe subject's mental image. The finding of this study supports the appropriateness of Bruner's learning theory and the uniqueness with respect to every student's iconic representation.


iconic representation, geometric object understanding, blind student