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Critical Thinking Dispotision of Prospective Teachers at IKIP Mataram
Last modified: 2018-07-07
This study aims to identify prospective teachers’ critical thinking disposition by gender that consisting of seven components: 1) Inquisitiveness; 2) Self-Confidence; 3) Truth-Seeking; 4) Open-Mindedness; 5) Analyticity; 6) Systematicity; dan 7) Maturity. The survey methodology was used in this study. The research sample consisted of 100 students in Biology Education Program, Faculty of Science Education and Mathematics IKIP Mataram. Data on critical thinking dispositions were collected using The California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI). The results showed that prospective science teachers’ critical thinking disposition generally low levels (score 4-3). Based on the result, it can be stated that prospective science teachers’ critical thinking disposition is still low and there are differences in critical thinking disposition based on prospective science teachers’ gender on the components: 1) Inquisitiveness (p= 0.001); 2) Self-Confidence (t(100)= 2.331, p= 0.022); 3) Open-Mindedness (t(100)= 4.531, p= 0.000); and 4) Maturity (p= 0.004).
prospective teachers, gender, and critical thinking dispositions.