Last modified: 2018-07-07
Aisyah Ferra Anggraini1*, Suciati2, Maridi3
1,2,3Master of Science Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, 57126
This study aims to analyze the scientific thinking of class XI students of Science Students in the Merapi mountain area, Sleman District, Special Region of Yogyakarta. The data was collected using a scientific thinking ability test consisting of 25 items of questions containing aspects of scientific thinking, namely: (1) aspects of inquiry in the form of inquiry to obtain information; (2) aspects of the analysis in the form of student activities to obtain data and evidence; (3) aspect of infernce in the form of conclusion; and (4) aspects of the argument in the form of a discussion of the reasons and accuracy of the data. The research was conducted in eleventh Grade of Science Students in Merapi mountain area. The total population is 217 students with a sample size of 62 students coming from public schools in Merapi mountain area. Sample selection using cluster random sampling method. The data obtained are then tested using descriptive statistics. The results showed the acquisition on each aspect are: (1) aspects of inquiry: 34%; (2) aspect of analysis: 24%; (3) aspect of inference: 34%; and (5) aspect of argumentation: 16%. The percentage results indicate that the ability of scientific thinking on the aspect of argumentation is still less than optimal in the Merapi mountain area, Sleman District. This is due to the fact that most of the students' scientific thinking ability in the Merapi mountain area is still less empowered.