Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Content analyis of 13 dimensions to support student teachers’PCK in the environmental chemistry textbooks
Dimas Gilang Ramadhani, Suryadi Budi Utomo, Nurma Yunita Indriyanti

Last modified: 2018-07-07


Environmental chemistry course in undergraduate program is important to link many concepts from chemistry and environmental sciences.Content analysis used in this article to determine textbook compatibility using 13 dimensions of content knowledge. 13 dimensions of content knowledge are: (1) Knowing more "facts"; (2) Understanding the role of models and theories in chemistry; (3) alternate between the macro world and related sub-microscopic models; (4) Quality of images at the sub-micro level; (5) Understanding the language of chemistry; (6) operate at multiple levels of explanation, rationalization and prediction; (7) Memory bank of episodes; (8) Ability to distinguish between demonstrable knowledge and arbitrary knowledge;(9) Appreciation of the sources of our knowledge (10) Recognition of the place and role of chemistry in society; (11) Understanding what chemists do; (12) Knowing what we do not know; (13) Interlinking learning. We examined three textbooks that are often used as references in discussing environmental chemistry issues in the course. We specify the analysis only in the chapter of wastewater. This chapter is a very important chapter for developing student teachers competencies either as teacher or scientist. In the analysis, we labelled to each book that is R, S, T .The Textbooks only present material-related subject,where as in the reference book must present 13 dimensions of knowledge content. not all dimensions in the content knowledge contained in the text book are only dimensions related to basic knowledg


13 dimensions, student teachers’ PCK. wastewater