Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Analysis of Student’s Mathematical Problem Solving and Habits of Striving for Accuracy and Precision
Yunita Herdiana

Last modified: 2018-07-07


This research is aimed to describe mathematical problem solving and habits of striving for accuracy and precision. Mathematical problem solving abilities of students on this research can be developed through a process of learning by problem-solving activities that motivate students: build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving; solving problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts; apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems; monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving.

Habits of striving for accuracy and precision is to work carefully and precisely, whose indicators include: (1) pay attention to detail when appropriate, (2) check against relevant sources, (3) recognize inaccuracies quickly, (4) correct inaccuracies, and (5) provide clarity for the whole answer.

The implementation of this research was conducted on the students of 8th grade in one of Junior High School in West Bandung Regency. From ten classes, randomly were selected two class. The method in this research was descriptive qualitative research. Data collection was done through test and worksheet about problem solving of mathematics, scale test about habits of striving for accuracy and precision, and observation guidelines.

Based on the research, it can be conclude that students with high category can master the four indicators of students' mathematical problem solving ability well, namely build, solve, apply, and reflect on process mathematical problem solving. Students with moderates category can master build, solve, apply mathematical problem solving but they unable to reflect on process mathematical problem solving. Students with low category only master build, solve problem but they cannot achieve apply, and reflect on process mathematical problem solving. The qualification of habits of striving for accuracy and precision is user category, it means that student consciously competent. Student checking the work to be more accurate; it takes time and care to better inspect his work so that it is free from mistakes; apply high standards to produce accurate work and maintain those standards.


mathematical problem solving, habits of striving for accuracy and precision