Last modified: 2018-07-07
Creativity of Prospective Teachers in Mathematical Patterns Problem
Based on Emotional Intelligence
I Safitri1, P Wijayanti2 and Masriyah3
1, 2, 3 Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, INDONESIA
Creativity is a skill that math teachers need to have to stimulate their students' creativity in math. Stimulating student creativity in mathematics is important. Because creativity is needed when students are doing math activities. One of them is solving math problems. Teachers can stimulate students' mathematical creativity on challenging problems or on problems with multiple solutions. Then, the math teacher must also have good emotional intelligence. Because creativity and emotional intelligence have a positive relationship. This means that if someone has a good emotional intelligence then he also has a good creativity. This research aims at describing creativity of prospective teachers in mathematical patterns problem based on emotional intelligence. The research method used was qualitative method. Three students, representing each type of Goleman's emotional inteligence types, were selected as the research subjects. The data were collected from the test of emotional intelligence, the mathematical patterns problem and interviews. The prospective teacher's creativity is described based on the Torrance test of creativity.
The results of this research are various solutions that can be made by the subject. Solutions are made to have various forms of patterns and various representations. The form of the pattern created by the subject was a vertical form. The most representation made by the subject was a representation in which there was only a sum and multiplication operations. Based on the results of the creativity identification of the mathematical pattern problem it can be seen that the solution meets fluency, flexibility and originality. While the results of creativity in terms of emotional intelligence are as follows : (1) Subjects who have interpersonal emotional intelligence in the form of self-awareness and self-control can create solutions that meet fluency and flexibility. (2) Subject who have the ability to motivate themselves were able to create solutions that meet fluency, flexibility and originality. The conclusion for this research was from 3 research subjects representing each kind of emotional intelligence interpersonal which have the best creativity was subject having emotional intelligence in self motivating.
Keywords: Creativity, Prospective Teacher, Mathematical Patterns Problem, Emotional Intelligence