Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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The Development Teaching Materials of Biology Based on Science Literacy Assisted by Macromedia Flash
siti muzeyyana, muslimin ibrahim, tjandrakirana tjandrakirana

Last modified: 2018-07-07


Student learning process tends to only listen to material submitted by
the teacher, in addition to the school also provides less teaching materials
for students. This problem causes students to lack the concept so that they
can not apply the concepts or theories learned in real life. Students are
also not accustomed to learning by being confronted with several
phenomena that occur in daily life, so that many students are
lacking in the ability of science literacy. Therefore, it needs to change the
learning strategy, for example by using teaching materials assisted by
macromedia flash, which aims to measure student’s science literacy.
In this research using 4D development model. The research target is
the teaching materials of biology which is tried out
to 36 students of class X SMA with research design One-Group
Pretest-Posttest design. Data analysis with descriptive qualitative
with the result: (a) Validation of teaching materials with a valid
category; (b) Validation of learning media macromedia flash with a valid
category; (c) Legibility of teaching materials with good category;
(c) Materialize learning with good category; (d) Student response to
teaching materials developed positive; (e) The results of students'
learning that has an impact on the increased level ability
of student’s science literacy from the beginning level below 1 to 2
increased to levels 3 to 6. The conclusions of this research is that
the teaching materials of biology based on science literacy is feasible
to measure student’s science literacy.


Development, Macromedia Flash, Science Literacy, Teaching Materials