Last modified: 2018-07-07
Character is very important to determine character, morals or personality. Moral degradation of learners is now very sad, many cases that occur in Indonesia, such as having sex outside of marriage, brawl, immoral, corruption, etc. Learners also cheat when the National Final Examination (UAN) takes place. This shows that the level of character of student responsibility is still low so it needs to be considered together. This study aims to foster the character of the responsibilities of learners, describe the activities and activities of learners by developing Student Work Sheets (LKPD) based on local wisdom. Subject in this research is class X MAN 2 Situbondo even semester of academic year 2017-2018. This research was conducted two stages, namely the development of learning tools with Kemp model development design and the design of One Group Pretest-Posttest Design implementation. Data collection techniques in this study is the provision of tests and observations. Data analysis is descriptive qualitative, with the result of the growth of responsibility character of learners very well, the implementation of learning tools LKPD based on local wisdom done well, and the activity of learners during the implementation of learning tools describe the activities of learners in accordance with the stages of learning LKPD-based wisdom local. Based on these findings it can be concluded that with LKPD-based local wisdom can be used for learning devices.