Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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The Elementary Students’ Profile Reflective Thinking in Fractions Problem Solving on the Skill Mathematic
Hery Suharna

Last modified: 2018-07-07


Reflective thought may occur to students when solving mathematical problems, so as to design an effective learning strategy. By using the right strategies, student learning outcomes can be improved. Hope this study will lead to further research to develop profiles of reflective thinking research on elementary students in problem solving fractions based on mathematical ability. Reflective thinking can be described as follows: (a) information or data that is used to respond, comes from within (internal), (b) can explain what has been done, (c) realized the error and fix it (if something goes wrong), and (d) to communicate their ideas with symbols or pictures. This study aims to explore the profile of reflective thinking elementary students in problem solving fractions based on mathematical ability.

Type of research in this study is exploratory qualitative descriptive approach. This approach is used to get depicted about the profile think reflective elementary student in problem solving fractions. The method used in this research by providing problem- solving task and the two subsequent interviews. Subject of this research is the subject of S-1 are capable of higher mathematics, a subject S-2 are capable math and S-3 are highly capable.

The results reflekti profile thinking in problem solving fractions are as follows: Subject S-1, information or data to respond comes from within or is internal, the subject can explain what has been done, realized mistake and want to fix it and communicate ideas with symbols or images, for subject S-2. Profile of reflective thinking in problem solving is the subject of fractions S-1 can be concluded following sbagai information or data to respond comes from within or is internal, explaining what has been done, realized mistake and want to fix it and communicate ideas with a symbol, as seen in while S-2 draw as initial ideas in solving problems. Subsequently S-3, ie the subject which low- ability namely: information or the data for respond originate from inside self or is internal, however at the time of completing, explaining and communicate the idea in the form of symbol or images in resolving the problem the process of its reflection experiencing difficulty.


Reflective thinking, problem solving and skill mathematic.