Last modified: 2018-07-07
In the process of solving mathematical problems, visualization has an important role in developing thinking, mathematical understanding, helped the transition of concrete thinking to the abstract and manage the interpretation and manipulation of information in the mastery of mathematical word problem solving. But in fact, there are still many students who have difficulty in visualizing their thinking when faced with a problem, especially solving the problem of mathematical word problem solving on geometry material that requires visualization ability. Therefore, the process of student visualization is important to be traced and the teacher's attention to know how deep of students' understanding of the given problem. This research is a qualitative descriptive research that aims to describe the process of visualization of junior high school students in solving geometry problems in terms of sex differences.
The sample in this study consist of one male student and one female student who have equivalent mathematical ability. Methods of data collection in this study were conducted through tests and interviews. The tests used consist of  mathematic ability test and visualization tests. Interviews conducted are semi-structured to know in depth the process of visualization of junior high school students in solving geometry problems. Data obtained from research subjects then analyzed based on aspects of the visualization process that is generation, inspection, transformation, and use.
The result of the research shows that there are different visualization process of male and female students in generation aspect, inspection, transformation, and use in solving geometry problem. In the generation aspect, the male students make the right picture according to the given problem to make it easier to understand the problem. although the drawings are not complete with the description on the picture, while the female students make a picture of the problems provided to facilitate understanding the problem but the resulting image is wrong and not in accordance with the information of the given problem.
In the inspection aspect, male students choose the right rules or strategies in solving the problems given, while the female students use the rules and strategies but experience errors in the calculation process because the resulting image is wrong and not appropriate information from the problem.
In the transformation aspect, students change the resulting image pattern by partitioning the resulting image to make it easier to solve the problem. While female students do not partition on the image or change the pattern of images provided to facilitate solve the problem.
In the use aspect, male students use pictures and symbols to clarify the answers obtained but do not label or mark the images as a result of an answer. While female students do not use images in clarify the answers obtained and do not label or give a mark on the image as a result of answers.
The conclusion of this research, the four aspects of generation, inspection, transformation, and use in visualization process have been done by male students in solving geometry problem while female students only doing generation aspect and inspection in visualization process in solving geometry problem.