Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Pre-Service Teachers’ Analytical Thinking Skill Based on Personality Type
Rita Kusumawardani, Didi Suryadi

Last modified: 2018-07-07


According to previous study, teachers have to be aware that mathematics learning is a process of students’ construction of mathematical knowledge. Higher-order thinking skill (HOT) is needed by students to analyze information to get knowledge. Therefore, students’ HOT is very important in mathematics learning.

Revised Bloom’s taxonomy is placed analyze as parts of HOT. So, students’ analytical thinking is very important to be noticed by teacher during mathematics learning. Teachers have to provide a mathematics learning that can improve students’ analytical thinking skill. To improve analytical thinking skill, teachers must also have the good analytical thinking skill.

According to the problem on previous paragraphs, this study is aimed to describe pre-service teachers’ analytical thinking skill. The analytical thinking skill is analyzed based on personality type. The classification of personality is based on Keirsey’s theory. According to the theory, personality is classified to guardian, artisan, rational, and idealist.

The descriptive study is used to analyze pre-service teachers’ analytical thinking skill. Eight pre-service teachers of Mathematics Education Department of Indraprasta PGRI University are selected as subjects by purposive sampling. The subjects are consists of two subjects on each personality type. The data are collected by questionnaire, test, and interview. Questionnaire is used to collect the data of personality, while test is used to collect the data of analytical thinking skill.

The results show that the pre-service teachers on each personality type have good skill on differentiating aspect. Every part of the problems can be identified well. Nevertheless, the pre-service teachers have difficulties on organizing and attributing aspect. Generally, the pre-service teachers are confused to arrange and determine a way to integrate every part of the problems. Then, the pre-service teachers also can’t relate well every part of the problems with their knowledge to find the way to solve the problems.


Analytical Thinking; Mathematics; Personality