Last modified: 2018-08-28
Teachers become one of the important elements in education. This study was designed to review the pedagogical competence of high school math teachers and their attitudes in teaching. Pedagogical competence in this research will be reviewed from two aspects, that is knowledge aspect and skill aspect. Aspects of knowledge are measured using tests and skill aspects measured using questionnaires. The attitude of the math teacher is reviewed by observing during the learning process. The sample of this research is 6 high school mathematics teacher in a city in Indonesia taken from school with category of result of Mathematics National Examination with good, enough and less good criterion. The results showed that teachers who teach in schools with good category have good pedagogic competence also viewed from aspect of knowledge and skill. And 1 teacher who teaches in school enough have enough pedagogic competence and 3 other teachers from enough category and less good have less pedagogic competence. The attitude of the math teacher in teaching in the school with good category shows that the teacher encourages students' activeness in learning, the students are given the opportunity to ask, put forward the ideas and the learning that is implemented in accordance with the planned implementation of the learning plan. While teachers who teach in schools with enough category and less visible more passive in teaching and learning planning time is not designed in accordance with the needs of teaching practices in the classroom and students less active during the learning process takes place.
The purpose of this study was to examine how the pedagogical competence of high school mathematics teachers from different categories of schools in terms of the Mathematics National Examination results of students and how the attitude of teachers in teaching mathematics. Pedagogical competence is the ability of teachers in managing learning that includes the ability to plan a learning program, the ability to interact or manage the learning process and the ability to perform an assessment (Akhyak, 2013). Pedagogical competence consists of knowledge and skills; Successful teaching relies on subject deep knowledge, linking theory and research to teaching and learning, and simultaneously using knowledge and skills in a rational context. (Sahana, 2015). Implementation of teacher pedagogical competence can optimize the development of learners from the intellectual, emotional and moral aspects (Apelgren, Karin & Giertzswedish, 2010).. Teachers with good pedagogical content knowledge can understand the difficulties experienced by students in learning mathematics material so that students can understand its structure and be avoided from its difficulty (Tsafe, 2013). The effect of enhancing teacher pedagogical skills is generated gradually toward students, whereas when teachers improve pedagogical skills, student achievement will also increase (Marzano & Toth, 2013).
The scope of this research is high school mathematics teacher in Pekanbaru city, Riau Province, Indonesia. This research is a qualitative descriptive research with in-depth of 6 mathematics teachers from various categories of schools. In this study, 2 teachers were selected from each category. The six teachers came from 3 different schools. This study found that teachers who teach in schools with good category have good pedagogic competence also viewed from aspect of knowledge and skill and 1 teacher who teaches in school enough have enough pedagogic competence 3 others have poor pedagogic competence. In addition, mathematics teachers in schools with good categories have a teaching attitude that can encourage student activeness in learning, putting ideas and asking questions. The lesson plan prepared by the teacher also matches the conditions that occur in the classroom. These findings suggest that teachers who teach in schools with good UN outcomes have good mathematical competence and attitudes as well. Based on these findings, the researcher suggests that teachers who teach in enough and less categories of schools to enrich knowledge and hone skills and train themselves to have a fun teaching attitude for students.