Last modified: 2018-07-07
Diarrhea is a public health problem in developing countries like Indonesia because it has a high incidence and mortality with the highest case occurring in toddlers. Diarrhea has a contagious nature, therefore the incidence of diarrhea in an area can affect the incidence of diarrhea around the area that is called as spatial dependence. In some studies, there is often a variable influenced by the spatial aspect, then in its development it is necessary to consider the spatial aspects of the model. The purpose of this study is to identify indicators that significantly affect the prevalence of toddler’s diarrhea in East Java Province, with latent variables used in this study are toddler’s health, environmental health, society behaviour, socioeconomic, and health facility. The method used in this research is Spatial Structural Equation Modelling Partial Least Square because the number of unit analysis is limited and consider the spatial aspect. The data used in this research is secondary data obtained from Publication of Health Development Index by Research and Community Development Agency. The data used for 38 districts or cities located in East Java Province. The results of the research obtained that the best model with the smallest AIC is spatial error model (SEMs) and latent variable which have significant influence to prevalence of toddler’s diarrhea in East Java is health facility (with indicator of health insurance ownership percentage, number of community health clinic and the number of medical personnel at the community health clinic), environmental health (with indicator of percentage of house having non-soil floor, own drinking water facility, percentage of own sanitation facility and percentage of stool disposal in septic tank), and society behaviour (with indicator of percentage of homes that live clean and healthy lives, the percentage of handwashing behaviour properly, and the percentage of defecate properly). We recommend to the local government to pay attention to the variables that have a significant effect on the prevalence of diarrhea in infants, i.e. health facility, environmental health, and society behaviour.