Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Development of Interactive Audio Learning Media to Enhance Student's Understanding at Interger Lesson
Shendy Septiani Igirisa, Yusuf Fuad, Masriyah Masriyah

Last modified: 2018-07-07


Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB) as a special educational institution that accommodates students with special needs. One of them is students who lack the function of the sense of sight, or commonly called students with visual impairment (blindness). Blind person is defined as individual whose sense of vision does not function as a receiving channel of information in everyday activities as like ordinary person. Loss of vision in blind students results in special barriers to access education. So that blind students need special tools in the form of instructional media, application of teaching methods and techniques that are more interesting and can be used in blind students, in order that what is described not only in the form of abstract information for them. Integer lesson is an abstract material. The abstractness can be seen from a negative integer that is rarely used in everyday life so that students tend to make mistake in determining the result of addition and subtraction of integers.


This study aims to describe the results of the development of interactive audio learning media to improve the understanding of blind students in integer material and to describe the understanding of blind students after using interactive audio media in Sekolah Dasar Luar Biasa (SDLB). This type of research is research and development. The subjects of the study were two elementary blind students. Subject selection began by providing an pre-test of integer lesson in blind students of SDLB-A to obtain students of equal ability.



Figure 1. Pre-test question


The results showed that the quality of the media based on validation results by the validator was very valid. Practical media based on media evaluation by teachers was very practical with the percentage of 92.86%. Students gave a positive response with an average percentage of 83% and the test result showed that 66.7% of students achieved the requirement score. This showed that interactive audio learning media can be used in the learning process and learning media had a role in improving the understanding of students with visual impairment (blindness).


In conclusion, the (developed) interactive audio learning media had been validated and was practical so that it could be used as an alternative media learning and could be used as an additional media for students with visual impairment (blindness). The results of student learning test provided the information that the developed media could be used to improve students' learning comprehension


Keywords: Abstract, MISEIC, Template, Learning Media, Interactive Audio , Understanding, Blind Person


Abstract, MISEIC, Template, Learning Media, Interactive Audio , Understanding, Blind Person