Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Evaluation of Student Creative Thinking Based on Stages of Wallas in Mathematical Modeling
ila mardianti, masriyah masriyah

Last modified: 2018-07-07


The creative level of individuals in solving math problems is of course different. Using mathematics to solve problems called mathematical applications. Modeling process is very helpful for students in solving math problems related to contextual problem. The four stages of the creative thinking process according to Wallas include the preparatory, incubation, illumination, and verification. This study aims to describe the level of ability in mathematical modeling of the problem of contextual (about story) wake up flat. The data were collected using tests and interviews. This research is descriptive qualitative research, data analysis through reduction, presentation data, and deduction of conclusion. Subjects are categorized by high, medium, and low creative thinking abilities. Target of this research is a student of class VII SMP. Result of research indicate 1) 46,15% low category student, only reaching stage of preparation that is not yet able to collect information related to problem; 34,62% ​​of middle student category, reaching illumination stage; 19.23% upper category students, students complete the verification stage of examining and testing the solution of problems that have been found to the reality. For students with middle and low categories, the creative process needs to be developed through teacher guidance in mathematical modeling. While the upper category students need enrichment materials and problem challenges.


Evaluation, Creative Thinking, Mathematical Modeling