Last modified: 2018-07-07
Surabaya, Â July 21, 2018
The Effectiveness of Student Activity Sheet (LKS) IPA based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) for Improving Ability to Resolve Problems of Elementary School Students
Ririn Hdayati*1, Tjandra Kirana2 and Muslimin Ibrahim3
1, 2 Universitas Negeri Surabaya, INDONESIA.
3 Universitas Negeri Surabaya, INDONESIA.
Ability to solve the problem is an ability that must be owned by an individual, especially elementary school students because the reality can not only be applied in solving real life problems but also in solving learning problems, especially on science subjects. The method used to improve the problem solving skills in elementary school students is required by LKS based on PBL as a student companion in learning. The purpose of this research is to know the effectiveness of LKS IPA based on PBL to improve the ability to solve the problem of elementary school students.
This research is a development research conducted at SDN Kebraon 1 Surabaya using Thiagarajan development model with one group pretest posttest research design. The study was conducted using data from 15 students on a limited trial. The data used are data from student response questionnaire and test of cognitive learning result and problem solving test. The results showed that student responses showed results that were in positive category. The following table shows the results of student responses to LKS IPA based on PBL to alert the problem-solving ability.
Tabel 4.16
Respon Siswa Terhadap Pembelajaran
Komponen yang Dinilai
Rata-rata Persentase
Komponen isi/materi dalam LKS
Komponen penyajian LKS
Komponen kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam penulisan LKS
Komponen kegrafikan LKS
Based on Table 4:16 the response of students to learning using LKS PBL-based to improve the ability to solve the problem of obtaining the average score peresentase ≥ 93.3% in the positive category so that LKS developed effectively used in learning. The data used to determine the effectiveness of LKS IPA based on PBL, namely by knowing the increase in cognitive learning outcomes and the ability to solve problems. The following visualization test results cognitive learning and problem-solving skills.
Grafik 4.3
Visualisasi Hasil Pretest dan Postest Hasil Belajar Kognitif
Grafik 4.4
Visualisasi Hasil Pretest dan Postest Tes Kemampuan Menyelesaikan Masalah
Based on Graph 4.3 shows the students' learning outcomes get an average of 47% on pretest, whereas in posttest the average achievement of all student indicator is 86,8%. It shows that the use of LKS IPA based on PBL in learning can improve student learning outcomes on the knowledge aspect by getting N-Gain score 0.77 which is in high category. Based on Graph 4.4 shows that the results of problem-solving tests on the water cycle material averaged 38.7, while the posttest obtained an average achievement of all 80% of the students by obtaining a N-Gain score of 0.68 in the medium category. LKS is said to be effective if there is an increase from before the learning and outcomes after the minimum learning medium category. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that LKS IPA based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) is feasible (valid, practical, and effective) and improve problem solving ability.
Keywords: IPA, Problem Based Learning, Problem Solve Ability, Student Activity Sheet (LKS)