Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Developing Student’s Activity Sheet with Wisanggeni Puppet Context to Enhance Students Understanding of Addition and Substraction Thousands Number
Bagas Widyo Arbowo, Aidha Aprilia Puji Lestari, Fifin Aisyah, Farida Nursyahidah

Last modified: 2018-07-07


To create students’ mastery of concept mathematics of addition and subtraction thousands number, teachers as an educator need to find a solution so that the students can understand the concepts in mathematics. One solution that can be considered is to develop teaching materials printed in the form of Student’s Activity Sheet. Student Activity Sheet is a way to assist and facilitate in the learning activities that will form an effective interaction between students and teachers and may enhance the activity of students in the improvement of learning achievement. Therefore, this research aims to develop student’s activity sheet using Wisanggeni Puppet context to enhance understanding in addition and subtraction for thousands number. The Student Activity Sheet needs an effective contextual approach. One of the most effective approaches in mathematics learning is the Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Approach (PMRI). The research method used in this study was a Research and Development (R&D), adapted from ADDIE development model which is has 5 phases, namely: 1) Analysis, 2) Design, 3) Development, 4) Implementation, and 5) Evaluation. The development stage that is analyzing core competence, basic competence, indicator, literature study, designing teaching materials in accordance with students needs, making product, then product validation by field trial and data that has been obtained from field trials evaluated. Validation was carried out by two subject-matter experts and two design experts. The Student Activity Sheet developed was tested in one phase namely individual test with the subject of 3 students with different abilities. In the development of Student’s Activity Sheet that the researcher did, the ADDIE stages were carried out until the development. The making of teaching material on the material of addition and subtraction of thousands number in the fourth grade of elementary school with Student Activity Sheet with Wisanggeni Puppet context. The development design in this research using ADDIE development model that consists of five phases, namely: Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate. For the first step, there are some activities done by the researchers: making these materials are carrying out the analysis which consists of curriculum analysis, validating performance gaps, determining goals, analysis of learners, checking the available resources and work plan. The second step, the researchers design the Student’s Activity Sheet product using Wisanggeni Puppet context. In making the Student Worksheet, first, the researcher made draft of what would be created in the Student’s Activity Sheet such as the learning trajectory of students based on the way of their thinking from informal to formal mathematics and how to design that Student’s Activity Sheet. The next step, the researchers develop the product by conducting validation both from subject matter expert and design and media expert. In the phase, there were several things that need to be revised. After the revision was completed, the development proceeded to carry out some tests consisting of individual test of 3 students of fourth grade of elementary school with high, medium, and low ability. On the individual and group test, closed questionnaire was given to see the response on Student’s Activity Sheet.  The validity of Student Activity Sheet with Wisanggeni Puppet context on the material is seen from the results of the addition and subtraction thousands number validation of material and design. From the results of material validation with a percentage of 88,7 % was obtained, so the product was valid. From the results of design validation, with a product percentage of 73 % was obtained, so the product was valid. From the data obtained Student’s Activity Sheet with Wisanggeni Puppet context on the addition and subtraction thousands number material appropriate to use on the quality validity level of a product designed by the researcher. Practicality of Student Activity Sheet with Wisanggeni Puppet context on the addition and subtraction thousands number material is viewed from the positive responses of students which are seen through the questionnaires given. Results of the assessment of student responses, it was obtained with the categories of products was very good and a percentage of 86.6% was included into valid category. From these data it can be concluded that the Student’s Activity Sheet with Wisanggeni Puppet context on the addition and subtraction thousands number material has excellent criteria as teaching materials. Based on result the research the availability of quality teaching materials may help the learning process. The researchers suggest to the math teachers to use teaching materials in the form of Student’s Activity Sheet with Wisanggeni Puppet context on the addition and subtraction thousands number material in the fourth grade of elementary school. The writer also suggests conducting a research and further development of the Student’s Activity Sheet with Wisanggeni Puppet context on another material. In the last, the writer suggests to researcher conducting a further development to be tested regarding its use with the effectiveness Student’s Activity Sheet developed. 


Student’s Activity Sheet; Wisanggeni Puppet; Addition; Subtraction; Thousands; ADDIE