Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Self-Regulated Learning Ability of Elementary School Students in Mathematics Learning
Amelia Dwi Astuti

Last modified: 2018-07-07


This survey research intends to measure self-regulated learning of fourth grade elementary school students in mathematics learning using questionnaires. Questionnaires were administered to 285 fourth grade students of elementary schools in Bantul district, Yogyakarta. Self-regulated learning refers to the skills that exists on the students themselves in regulating their studies to reach their success and their expected study goals. As for the process of the self-regulated learning itself includes the students skills in planning, monitoring and evaluating their studies (Zimmerman, 2000). The planning aspect consists of learning strategy determination, task-completion obligation, and self-adjust to prepare study. Implementation aspect consists of cognitive and meta-cognitive strategy implementation, monitoring and controlling emotion and motivation, and process in doing the activity. Evaluation aspect consists of choosing strategy to resolve failure in study, feeling capable to evaluate the result of the study and re-evaluate the result itself. The research was conducted by Darmiany (2016), self-regulated learning ability of the student of primary teacher education shows that the self-regulated learning ability of the student is at the high level. Another research done by Marchis and Balogh (2010) about self-regulated learning ability that consist of self-efficacy, self-judgement, self-reaction and their interest for studying Mathematics to 258 middle school student shows that only one-third of the respondents likes mathematics, more than half of the students have low self-efficacy, more than half of the student have high self-judgement, and more than half of the students have high-level of worriness on their mathematics result. In the present study, the result showed that the average of self-regulated learning ability of fourth grade elementary school students in mathematics learning is on the moderate category.