Last modified: 2018-07-07
Visualization can also be called visual reasoning when it constructs the abstract thinking abilities of students, where visualization is a part of a spatial ability, in which there are two components of spatial abilities: spatial visualization and mental rotation. Some evidence suggests that there is a connection between visual reasoning and the depth of conceptual understanding in other fields of learning one is commonly found in solving mathematical problems in geometry.
This study aims to describe the reasoning of junior class IX students in geometry in terms of student learning styles. In spatial visualization capability, in this study there are 3 components classified by Ryu (2007) such as manipulating, rotating, and transforming. However, in this research, the researcher only focus on 1 component in spatial visualization that is only in the transformation component, where the researcher just want to describe the spatial visualization ability of the students on the transformation component in terms of the ability to transform the two dimensional wake up 3 dimension, then for problem solving the researcher using the used a lot of research that is at the polya stage in solving the problems we used to know by the name of Heuristik which stage polya (1973), among others: understanding the problem, plan the solution, implement the plan, and the last look back.
To achieve that goal the researcher focuses only on students who have a visual style of learning, because it speaks in the context of visualization which means that the researcher wants to explore the students in constructing the students' abstract visual thinking more deeply. Therefore, the author does not take the stylish students studied auditori and kinesthetic style of learning, and taken only two subjects in this study, including 1 subject men (SL) and 1 female subject (SP), because in this study researchers wanted to describe the spatial visualization of students in solving the problem of three dimensions of students style visual learning for men (SL) and students who are visual learning style for female subject (SP) and have ability in communicating, this research is descriptive research with qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are the provision of visual reasoning tasks (TV-1) and depth by interview. Then assigned a task (TV-2) and a second interview to validate data by means of triangulation according to the visualization component of the transformation component combined with the stages of problem solving.
The results showed that students imaginative in menstranformasi wake up two dimensions to wake up 3 dimensions and then able to pass all the stages of the previously determined stages polya. For (SL) at the stage of understanding the problem students are able to understand the problem given by viewing and reading from TV-1 provided as well as on TV-2 provided the student is able to understand the problem. Then in the planning phase of the solution (SL) is able to provide an overview of the strategy or what next step will be used in solving the problem after understanding the problems given on TV-1 and TV-2. Then at the stage of implementing the plan at this stage, SL can use the strategy or step that was planned before and used in solving the problem on TV-1 and TV-2. In the last stage of checking again, at this stage is to check the answers or steps that have been done or written before to re-examined what has been done by SL, in this stage SL do this step dilhat from interviews conducted by researchers. For SP in completing TV-1 and TV-2 in the first stage that is understanding the problem, this step SP stage does not get any difficulty in doing so, it is seen when the SP immediately get an idea of ​​the plan to solve the problem, this means SP is visible directly to the planning stage of solving in completing TV-1 as well as TV-2. Then at the stage of implementing the plan, when getting the picture in solving the problem did not get any difficulty in completing TV-1 and TV-2 according to the planned step beforehand. Then in the last stage at the time of the interview seen SP check the results of the steps taken in complete TV-1 and TV-2 in accordance with the Polya stage.