Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Characterization of charcoal briquettes from durian leather waste as an alternative fuel
Rahmawati S

Last modified: 2018-07-07


The purpose of this research is to know how to process durian leather waste into charcoal briquettes and determine the characteristics and quality of charcoal briquettes produced as alternative fuel. Durian leather waste is very much in the city of Palu has a large enough potential to serve as a practical fuel that is ready to use, in order to generate heat energy as a source of alternative energy substitute fuel oil and emissions still meet the emission quality standard at PERMEN ESDM No.47 years 2006. Based on product quality test of briquettes made from durian leather, calorific value (5189.128 kal / gr), density (0,4778gr / cm3), burn rate (0,22 gr / sekon), value of water content (3,6044% ), ash content (3,5643%), value of vapor content (21.1273%), and value of bound carbon content (69,2279%).


Charcoal Briquettes, alternative fuel