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Source Problem Answered False in Analogical Reasoning: Why Students Do It?
Last modified: 2018-07-07
The purpose of this study was to describe thinking processes students' in answer source problem is false and answer target problem is true. Two analogical problems, the students will solve two problems with using the same procedure and have two possible answers are both true or false. Using qualitative design approach, the study was conducted at Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. The instrument used probability problems topic in conjunction with independent events. The findings of this study showed that the presence of misconceptions and errors occur in solving the problem source. Factor time can affect and there is a time lag in solving-problem of both analogical problems. Furthermore, target problem is answered correctly because the student has time to reflect on the answer to the source problem and the student improves working memory to recall the previous learning experience.
Source Problem, Analogical Reasoning, False