Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Embeding Elementary Students’ Character Through Math Learning Based Game
Iesyah Rodliyah

Last modified: 2018-07-07


Siberman (2014) reveals that Early experiences as a child make the game as a path to learning. Play is an important part of human development. A game based activity will be interesting if it provides a challenge. Games centered on active participants, can be used as an innovative and fun element in the learning experience.

The purpose of this research is to instill character education of elementary school students through game-based math learning. Games in this study include Role Play, Joyful Number Clap (JNP), Magic bag, Card Number, Magic Circle, Draw and Count (D & C). while character education embedded in this research is creative, independent, cooperation, responsibility, and hard work.

This research uses research method of development The development model of Thiagarajan, Semmel and Semmel which was introduced in 1974 known as 4-D model, this model consists of 4 stages: define (definition), design (design), develop (development), and disseminate.

The samples in this study were MI Al Asy'ari 4th grade as pilot class and Makarimul Akhlaq Islamic elementary school students in grade 4A and 4B to disseminate game-based math learning.


Figure 1. Strategy used by student “Creativeâ€







Figure 2. Working Together  “Cooperationâ€


The results showed that game-based math learning was able to implant character education of elementary school students. This is evident in the early signs of elementary school behavior expressed in the indicator.


Character, Math Learning, Game.