Last modified: 2018-07-07
Behavior is an action to be performed, in learning behavioral math can be interpreted as a way of student action when solving problems.  Reasoning is a one part of the thinking process of students to drawing a conclusions from a problem. Statement from Litner (2012) “Reasoning is defined as the line of thought that is adapted to procedure assertions and reach conclusions when solving task†and Problem solving is the work of establishing a correlation between the things given and requested (Aydogdu, 2014;54). Reasoning behavior students has been attracted many researchers to assess the development of students’ mathematical thinking. in problem solving that ends in conclusion.
The ability of reasoning acts an important role for students to learn mathematics. The purpose of this study is to investigate reasoning behaviors of the grade 6th students with mathematical difficulties in solving problems of integer multiplication operations. This research using 4 step problem solving polya.
Table 1. Indicator reasoning mathematics in problem solving mathematics
Process Problem Solving
Reasoning Indicator
Understand the Problem
- Student MD can understand with the problem.
- Student MD can explain found set of problems.
- Student MD can devise details of known and asked in the problems.
Devise a Plan
- Student MD can devise a plan solution of the problem solving
- Student MD can predicted the answer of the problem solving
Carry Out the Plan
- Student MD can use data from the ploblem
- Student MD can be process of devise a planing solution.
Look Back
- Student MD look back result of the answer.
- Student MD can devise the conclusion.
The sample of this qualitative study was the 6th grade students of SD Negeri 1 di Pajaran. All students were given the multiplication test from which students with mathematical difficulties were indicated. Furthermore, three volunteer students were selected as the research subjects, and were interviewed based on their answer. Two students have difficulties when non-routine problems solving nd one subject has problems when in the problem solving stage. When solving the non-routine problems, First subject not able to describe the known and the way to determine the solution and second subject were describe the known from solving task , but have difficulties the way to determine solution, result from the answer student defines the iniquity of strategy, student use addition not using multiply as solution. So,The subject with low ability had no an idea how to solve the problem. The third subject had implemented an incorrect concepts in solving the problems. The iniquity when he placed the unit of numbers and tens of number on process calculation.
The difficulties experienced students MD very complicated, needed another way to increase the reasoning students in the resolution of problems, one way could be help with using media learning. The research trying to use Garismatika’s media, from three subject, third subject show a good result, while with first and second subject take more time, by applying both a structured-scaffolding and Garismatika’s media students’ difficulties were effectively overcome.
The conclusion is this study emphasizes that lack understanding of mathematical concepts and reasoning abilities could be handled for any MD’s student by implementing the structured-scaffolding based on visualized media.
Keywords : Reasoning Behavior, Mahematics Difficulties, Problem Solving
Acknowledgment : This research here in was support by SD Negeri 1 Pajaran, especially for 6th grades as a sampel 3 students in this class who helped this research.