Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Implementation of Multimodel Active Learning to Improve Basic Teaching Skills of Pre-Service Physics Teachers
Nurita Apridiana Lestari, Meta Yantidewi, Utama Alan Deta, Nadi Suprapto

Last modified: 2018-07-07


Improving the quality of education can be started by increasing the basic teaching skills for prospective teachers while implementing pre-service education in universities. Increased competence of the teacher candidate is not only on the science material, but also the pedagogy. This condition relates to the teachers’role as professional educators who are not only judged from the understanding of the concept materials but also the ability to teach the concept. Basic teaching skills that should be owned by prospective teachers (pre-service teachers) are the ability to open lessons, use of learning models, use of instructional media, mastery of teaching materials, submission of teaching material, classroom management, and closing lessons.


The improvement of teaching ability as a physics teacher candidate can be held through the application of multimodel active learning in a class that facilitate the practice of teaching (peer teaching and microteaching). The application of learning is done using multimodel active which includes interactive learning models with the aim of improving the quality of student involvement during the learning process such as Problem Based Learning (PBL), Cooperative Learning type Jigsaw, and Think Pair Share (TPS), and Direct Instruction. Each model has its own goal achievement that can facilitate the improvement of basic skills of teaching for pre-service teachers.


This research uses mixed method model, that is combining qualitative and quantitative research method using Explanatory Design type Participant Selection Model (QUAL emphasized). The data obtained from the learning is analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively to describe the complete results of the research. Characteristics of this method is data retrieval and data analysis done quantitatively as the support method and then continued with the data collection and qualitative analysis as main method. Qualitative methods in this study are expected to help to get a description of the variables measured such as the basic teaching skill. In general, the stages of this research as follows,


Figure 1. Design of mixed method experiment


Quantitative data retrieval research conducted after the implementation of multimodel active learning of pre-service teachers. PBL used to help master the basic concepts about types of learning models, Cooperative Learning (Jigsaw and TPS) used to support students in group discussions, and Direct Instruction provides examples of modeling the implementation of a learning model in class.

Quantitative data was obtained by comparing the grade of the written test of basic teaching skills of pre-service teacher in the previous year who did not use multimodel active learning. The results of the pedagogical material test showed an increase in the average score of the students from the previous 68.98 to 78.61. The study continued with participant selection to obtain qualitative data in the form of pre-service’s basic teaching skill during peer-teaching.

The result of pre-service teachers’s teaching skill study is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Description of Teaching Skill Component





Official Statement

Opening Lesson


Less of using interesting and unusual phenomenon

Use of Learning Model


Good, because effect of modelling

Use of Learning Media


They have good creativity

Mastery of Teaching Materials


There are some misconception

Submission of Teaching Materials


The communicating skill is good

Class management


They have good interaction with students

Closes Lesson


Lack of time


In addition to getting a quantitative score, interviews and activity records to determine the success of the action were also conducted. At the time of the interview, the students were asked to state the advantages and disadvantages of the learning that had been done. Quantitative and qualitative data were then analyzed to determine their accuracy. The data analysis showed the improvement of students' teaching ability after the action. These results can be used to express the effectiveness of applied learning


multimodel, active learning, basic teaching skill