Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Vocational Student’s Strategies in Posing Mathematical Problems Asisted Google Form
ririn diyannita sasanti, Tatag Yuli Eko Siswono, Manuharawati Manuharawati

Last modified: 2018-07-07


The purpose of this study is to determine the ability of the student's problem in the completion of mathematics tasks sub topic of reflection with the help of google form. This research method is qualitative descriptive by involving 32 students of class XI TEi2 in SMK Negeri 1 Jetis Mojokerto. Data collection is done by assigning the task of filing problems written or designed in Google Form and interview. While the analysis used is a qualitative analysis by using data reduction, and selected 2 respondents to then be interviewed. From the interview result is known the reason the students propose the problem.
Analysis of problem-solving strategy using 3 strategy of filing of problem put forward Stoyanova (2012) which is classified into three categories namely reformulation, reconstruction and imitation. The results obtained were some students using imitation method as many as 7 students, 10 students reconstruction and 15 students reformulation. These results need to be followed up in the study of the problem-assisted google form.


Keywords: Problem Posing, Google Form, Vocational Student