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Design of Countenance Evaluation Model Based on ANEKA-Tri Hita Karana in Computer Learning for Vocational Students of Information Technology in Bali
Last modified: 2018-07-07
This study aimed to provide an overview of the countenance evaluation model design based on ANEKA values was integrated with Tri Hita Karana concept in computer learning, generally for vocational students of information technology and specifically for vocational students of information technology in Bali. The approach that was used in the design of this evaluation model was a development research approach with Borg and Gall model, which focuses on the stage of developing preliminary form of a product. Parties who were involved in model testing were two educational experts and two informatics experts. The tools that were used in model testing were questionnaires. The analysis technique that was used in this study was quantitative descriptive to got the calculation result of percentage descriptive. The result of this study was an evaluation model that was ready to be used with a good level of effectiveness.
Evaluation Model; Countenance; ANEKA; Tri Hita Karana; Computer Learning