Last modified: 2018-07-07
Senior High School 1 Ponorogo is one of the favorite schools in Ponorogo District. However, during this development of SI / IT in Senior High School 1 Ponorogo still less and need to be improved. The impact of learning is still conventional and the evaluation of students still using paper. Under such conditions the Senior High School 1 Ponorogo is required to create a strategy that can bring the school to move forward and compete with other schools.
Related to the threats and weaknesses that exist in Senior High School 1 Ponorogo need to design the application portfolio with the aim of supporting facilities and school infrastructure and facilitate teachers in delivering subjects as well as facilitate students in absorbing lessons. So that the application can be directed and can be perceived benefits for all parties.
Penelitian ini akan membuat sebuah perancangan aplikasi portofolio yang dibutuhkan di Senior High School 1 Ponorogo untuk jangka kedepan. Penelitian ini mengacu pada kondisi IT saat ini serta mengacu pada Renstra Senior High School 1 Ponorogo tahun 2014-2019. Serta dilakukan analisa dengan menggunakan beberapa pendekatan untuk mendukung proses perancangan aplikasi portofolio yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
This research will create a portfolio application design that is needed in Senior High School 1 Ponorogo for the future. This research refers to the current condition of IT and refers to the Renstra of Senior High School 1 Ponorogo in 2014-2019. And performed an analysis using several approaches to support the process of designing portfolio applications that fit the needs.
From the analysis obtained obtained a Mcfarlan matrix as the following Table:
High Potensial
Aplikasi Ujian Siswa*, Sistem E-Learning*, Tryout Online**
E-Rapot*, PPDB (Pendaftaran Peserta Didik Baru) Online**
Manajemen Wifi*, Web Profile SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Â 1 Ponorogo*, Helpdesk System **, Finger Print**
Key Operational
Table 1. Mc Farlan Matriks.
* Apps that already exist and need to be refined
** The app is new and needs to be implemented
From table 1, we get a classification related to the portfolio application planning which will be able to support the information technology facilities to be developed further. The results of this classification were obtained from observations and SWOT analysis and PEST analysis. As well as new applications and need to be implemented is very supportive and provide a positive impact for progress and development in education.
In this portfolio application design research results classification and application proposal in supporting the world of education of course at Senior High School 1 Ponorogo. From the results of the proposed application is expected to soon be implemented. So that can take advantage of information technology in teaching and learning process and evaluate student learning result so as to produce openness in the form of value and other it to school party, to student and also to parent student.