Last modified: 2018-07-07
Problem solving ability in mathematics is a basic and important part as the main focus of mathematical goals. According to Permendiknas No. 64 Tahun 2013, one of the competencies to be achieved in learning mathematics is to have problem solving skills. In learning mathematics, should be started by proposing contextual problems according students’ ability. Thus, learners can master mathematical concepts and be able to apply them to solve problems in their daily life.
Furthermore, to cultivate an atmosphere close to the students’ daily life in learning mathematics, can be done by involving local wisdom culture of student residence. Education and culture have an inportant role in nurturig and developing the noble values of a nation, which will have an impact on character formation. Therefore, it is necessary to have learning approach related to local culture, or called as etnomathematics.
This study aims at analyzing problem solving ability in solving linear equation system word problems with local culture (etnomathematics).
The type of this study is a qualitative with literature (library research), the materials are library books and other sources that are all based on bibliography. The data collected by relying on data library without empirical test.
Based on literature study that has been done the problem solving ability of students tend not to be as expected. This is in accordance with research conducted by Saragih (2018), that the problem solving ability of students is still low. It appears that students have not been able to write down what is known, what to ask, plan for problem solving, and looking back the results of their work.
To overcome these problems, teachers are expected to apply learning strategy that involves students to be more active. One effort that can be done is to apply etnomathematics in the learning so that the problem solving ability of students can increase.